Monday 23 December 2013

Ozeal Glasses: We Lost A Potential Customer in North Korea

 We Lost A Potential Customer in North Korea

Ozeal glasses lost a valuable potential customer recently in the form of Jang Song Thaek, uncle of North Korea leader, Kim Jong. The disgraced uncle, known for committing a variety of atrocities, was recently branded, “worse than a dog” and a “traitor to the nation” before being executed as per his nephew’s orders.

Commonly spotted wearing glasses, usually reading glasses, his calm and suave exterior appears to have belied the monstrous personality that lay beneath his gentlemanly appearance. All this while a cruel and sadistic personality lurked beneath the guise of a dapper looking man who was always dressed for success, even during his arrest where he was wearing his customary glasses frames. Had he not been a traitor, Jang Song Thaek would have certainly become one of Ozeal glasses’ most frequent and therefore valued customers owing to his evident love for fancy eyewear and spectacles.

Evidently his “capitalist” lifestyle got the better of him as he was accused of treason and attempting to overthrow the state and grab power, prior to his sanctioned execution. Among the final images of the now departed right hand man and uncle of Kim Jong, are those of his arrest, which took place amid a political meeting of the Workers Party of Korea.

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