Tuesday 3 December 2013

The Red Frame Glasses Contribute A Lot to Relieve Goldie Hawn's Sullen Look

The Red Frame Glasses Contribute A Lot to Relieve Goldie Hawn's Sullen Look
Goldie Hawn! Yes, the same Goldie of the golden tresses and of movies like “Death becomes her” and “Bird on a wire”.
Can you imagine her pouting like a baby and looking like she would be anywhere else rather than where she was while she was being photographed? Who would have thought that somebody could feel so angry with life after a work-out at the gym? And we thought that a workout is supposed to make you feel all good about yourself! Whatever happened to the “happy” hormones produced by exercise? Looks like it didn’t quite work out for Goldie as she was seen coming out of the gym with a deadly scowl and red frame glasses!

Now, what could be the reason behind all that scowling and pouting? Was she given a new trainer whom she did not like? Did she not feel like exercising but still went through it all? Or did she not exercise enough to “feel good” about herself? We may never get the answer but her fashion eyeglasses did a pretty good job of distracting us from the permanent scowl on her face. She has not been seen without them recently and she better hold on to them if she decides to scowl like that in her future outings too!

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