Monday 31 March 2014

Even Retro Style Glasses Can Be Modern on Lady Gaga

Even Retro Style Glasses Can Be Modern on Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has lately been hell bent on proving to people that she does complete justice to the last part of her name! That is 'Gaga'. From dressing up like a polar bear on the streets of NYC to putting on a gigantic face mask, she has done it all. The more the days progress, the quirkier her style gets!

This Thursday, the Mother Monster decided to shock everyone again and stepped out with a look which screamed 80’s in big, bold letters! She tried so hard to look so much like an eighties gal that even the real style divas of that time would have felt proud of themselves! Starting with the white wig and the aviator glasses, which were completely violet, she chose to wear acid washed jeans on top of stockings along with a t-shirt which had a picture of her dad right in the middle of it! Talk about loving your daddy and showing it off!

And the metal glasses she wore! We are still crushing on those. That one pair of glasses made her look so completely modern that it offset her retro style completely. Those very colorful glasses screamed modern in every way and we think it would have been better if she had worn the same pair with a, umm, more modern attire!  

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