Friday 31 May 2013

Vogue's Guide to Your Daily Eye Beauty

eye makeup tips
Looking beautiful on this summer should not be your intention; instead looking beautiful in all seasons should be your main aim. Some slight changes to daily makeup items could carry that gaze which you are dreaming since past many years. Eyes play the major role in captivating the gawk that every woman wishes for. Though the eye makeup tips are timeless, it is necessary to apply those tips during this summer. You are recommended to follow the below given summer makeup tips: 

· Always remember, Gold has no choice. So, you are suggested to add some gold shimmer on the eyelids. This is the simple eye makeup tip that any lady could easily follow. 

· Don’t hesitate to apply dark shades on the curves and pleats of your eyes. Always keep in mind that the eye beauty increases as you go up on applying the dark colors. 

· If you have tiny eyes then you could apply two furs of black or auburn foundation. 

· Eyeliner should be selected appropriately. Do not fix yourself on one particular color. Always go on trying different shades of colors.

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