Friday 14 June 2013

Fashion tips for short men: Hot style tips on clothes that make short guys look taller

Fashion tips for short men, is a no-nonsense guide on how guys can tweak their clothing style to look taller and sleeker. Are you a short guy? Have you been looking for style tips? If you have, grab your notepads and take tips on how you can effortlessly and practically wear clothes that will make you look longer. Men, boys and males of all ages, here's your chance to look sleeker and give your taller counterparts a run for their money without spending a bomb.

Note: Like most other things in the world of fashion and style, we are not here to argue about whether shorter men should wear clothes than make them look taller. Morality is not the point of this discussion nor are we here to discuss whether taller men look more attractive than shorter men or vice versa. Princesswithapen believes that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Wear vertical striped shirts and t-shirts

If "Which shirt should I wear to look longer?" is a question that bothers you daily, here's a simple and easy to follow tip that will put your worries to rest. Go for shirts and t-shirts that have vertical stripes. While there is no science attached to this advice, from a visual perspective, horizontal stripes will enhance your shorter frame while vertical stripes won't.

Shorter men should avoid bright colors

Before you have a head spin about throwing out half of your closet, calm down and read on. By bright colors, we are pointing towards any shirts, t-shirts or pants that you may have that are bright to the extent that they hurt the eyes. Parrot green, bright yellow, bright red and other such colors are best avoided if you want to look longer because they will instantly stand out and enhance your body frame, which is exactly not what we are looking for.

Buy a belt which does not have a very large buckle

One of the keys to hiding a shorter frame is to blend the upper and the lower body into a singular and a visually taller looking body. Large buckles on the other hand, are an instant giveaway of a less than average height because they for a clear demarcation between the upper and the lower body. Remember this style tip and buy a belt that has a sleeker and a more subtle yet fashionable buckle.

Super skinny jeans and extra boot cut pants should be avoided

Skinny jeans are in, there's no doubt about that. And chances are, that you already have a pair of skinny or slim fit jeans in your closet. If you don't, check out the awesome range of jeans Levi's has to offer. Coming back to style tips for shorter men, skinny jeans are acceptable. Just make sure that you stay away from those super skinny jeans. Why? Simply because when the jeans cling to your legs, they clearly define and enhance your shorter than average legs. If you really want to play safe, try on a pair of Levi's 501s and you may find yourself the perfect pair of jeans.

Talking about boot cut pants, they are a fashion trend from decades back that is still kicking butt. While boot cut in moderation is okay, an extra boot cut pant clearly highlights shorter legs. There is a fine line between the type of boot cut pants that will look good and the style that will go horrendously wrong and may result in a fashion faux pas.

Don't wear pants too low or too high

Do you really think that wearing your pants below your bum is going to make you look like a tough guy? Take it from a woman - it isn't. Wearing pants at extreme places on the body is a common fashion mistake that men of all heights make. While men with an average height may experiment with fashion by wearing their pants a little lower or higher than usual, it is best avoided if you are below average height. Mind you, this does not cross out low rise pants from your wardrobe. Just make sure that you wear your pants just above, or on your hip for the optimum visual blend.

Don't try to look taller by wearing longer pants which smother your shoes

Are you of the belief that wearing longer pants will make you look longer? Well that's a fashion myth that needs to be debunked. Let the hemline of your pants sit at an appropriate level and don't let them smother your shoes.

Avoid pants with more than one pleat

Pants with multiple pleats are out, since years. And if you still have a few in your closet, it's time you shopped for new pants. If you must have pleats, a single pleat is fine. Flat front pants will look great and go a long way in giving your body a sleek look – just what we are looking for.

Buy shoes that have a heel or a thicker insole

It is really not rocket science to know that shoes with a heel make you look longer. It is understandable if you are wary of buying shoes with heels because according to you that's not manly. Alternatively, you can buy shoes that have a thicker insole, or simply buy an extra insole for yourself. Even couple of centimeters aka half an inch or an inch can make a world of a difference in making you look longer.

Blazer length is critical for short men

While the length of a blazer is an important element in the style quotient of any man regardless of how long he is, it is an oh-so-critical issue for shorter men. Even a blazer a tad too long or too short can break the uniformity of your attire. The ideal blazer should be just long enough to cover your butt.

Talking about blazers, let's talk about their informal counterparts, jackets. If you are a fan of wearing casual jackets you should remember that jackets that are a tad shorter than normal may make you look longer. This tip works best for men who have a skinny body and are shorter than average. If you have a bulky frame, you may want to skip this tip or use your own discretion.

Full length overcoat is not a short guy's best friend

We cannot deny the utility of full length overcoats in those winter months when you are trying to avoid freezing or getting snow on your formals. But it is a generally accepted notion that full length overcoats make you look bulky and enhances your shorter frame.

Remember the word Monochrome while shopping and dressing

The whole aim of having a monochrome color palette for your clothes is to simplify and de-clutter the visual appeal and give a man a continuous and slender look. This tip will probably feature at the top of any article, post or fashion commentator's view on style for shorter men, but Princesswithapen has deliberately kept it for last. While this may be possible in the world of fashion ramps and magazine covers, it is understandable that it may not be possible or practical in real life to have a functional wardrobe that aligns with the notion of monochrome dressing. To keep it short, no pun intended, all you need to remember is to avoid incorporating too many colors or extremely contrasting colors at once into your attire.

Sleek is the secret code for shorter men

If you find yourself struggling to meet the physical heights of men around you, remember the mantra that from a fashion, stylish and visual perspective, sleek means longer. Whenever you go out shopping or when you organize your wardrobe, pick clothes that are not too loose and give your body a uniform look. A sleek clothing style will not only make you look longer but will bring back the oomph in your step. is supported by OzealGlasses.

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