Sunday 14 April 2013

How to Clean your Designer Sunglasses and Prescription Glasses: A Short Guide

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So you’ve just spend a fortune on purchasing the latest fashionable designer sunglasses or prescription glasses. Yeah, you are the hot shot fashionista now but even more important is to take good care of your glasses and ensure that your investment does not wear out in a couple of months. In eyewear care, the most important aspect is of cleaning the lenses. Lenses, whether it be of expensive sunglasses or branded glasses, comprise of nearly half the total cost. The lenses used nowadays is popular sunglasses are ‘Optical Quality lenses’ which means they are grounded to 0RX. Which in turn means a crystal clear vision with no distortions. Thus arises the need of taking good care- avoid scratching the surface, regular cleaning etc. It is really expensive to replace them, believe me, I’v spend a fortune on my pair! Here are some simple steps on how to clean your latest glasses.

There are some things which you will require-

A dish washing liquid – non anti bacterial

Extremely soft cotton cloth

A spritzer bottle

Rubbing alcohol (low grade- around 40% Isopropyl)

Another soft cleaning cloth for final polishing.

Running water, of course! (lukewarm would be the best)

Step #1
Take the spritzer bottle and mix ¼ of isopropyl with ¾ water and set it aside. Shake gently before using.

Step #2

A very important step that is often ignored by most-Always rinse your lenses with water first. This is necessary to avoid scratches. Better, get the whole frame wet...remember, wiping the lenses dry will inevitable result in your lens getting scratched.

Step #3

Now you have the liquid dish washing soap, right? Just squirt a drop onto your middle finger and rub it slowly and softly with your thumb. In this way you can apply it on both the front and backsides of the lens. Never use anti-bacterial soap, because it leaves a film which can lead to scratches.

Step #4

Now you’ve got lenses wet and your middle finger and thumb all soapy-soapy. Hold your glasses by the temples (the part which fits into your ears). Now very carefully hold one lens by grasping the frame part only. To be more clear, it should be like laying them in the palm of your hand with only the frame edges touching your hand. This is to keep the other side clean.

Step #5

Gently rub the soap onto the wet lens front and back with your thumb on the outside and middle finger on the inside. Slowly and briskly clean the entire lens area.

Step #6

Do the same as for the other side and clean up the other lens in a similar manner.

Step #7

Now take the soft cotton cloth and dry the lenses using the same middle finger/thumb technique. While drying the sunglasses/eyeglasses frame be extremely careful that you don’t break the nose pads.

Step #8

Voila! Your glasses are all nice and dry. Now take the cleaner which you made in step #1 and spritz the glasses one squirt, both on the outside and the inside. Wipe with the cotton cloth and hold them up to the light to check for any smudges. Repeatedly wipe until they are totally smudge-free.
Though not completely exhaustive, I hope this short guide or instruction manual will help you in cleaning your designer sunglasses or pricey prescription glasses.


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