Tuesday 16 April 2013

Top 3 ways to Celebrate Mother's Day

Mother's Day falls on May 13th this year, whose purpose is to honor mothers and celebrate motherhood. No matter how old we are, we are children and her hope in her eyes. She is willing to do anything for us.

1. Picking perfect gift

Be it a pair of prescription glasses and a card, or a new patio set for the deck, a gift is always appreciated. Flowers and chocolates are one option, or making memorable gift by yourself. The most important things is not gift, but your love.

2. A day together

No matter how busy you are, you'd better set aside all other plans and treat your mother in your life as a queen for Mother's Day. For example, you can accompany your mother to shopping, which can bring lots of happiness. Of course, if the weather permit, you can grab the whole family and head to a favorite park, lake or ocean to enjoy the sunshine and landscape.

3. Taking a party

Like birthday, you can take a elaborate party to celebrate the Mother's Day. Don't invite others, your family members is perfect. Remember this day your mother is the queen. You can do anything as you can in order to let your mother remember this tonight.

1 comment:

  1. For mother, the best is that you spend time with her.
