Tuesday 19 November 2013

Glasses - wearers will be able to wear google glasses

google glasses
Just this week Google has announced two major upcoming changes in their Google glass. The first major announcement was that early in 2014 they will be releasing the next big wave of Google glass.
This wave has been designed to work a bit easier and will be released with a smaller price tag making them affordable to more people. The second major announcement is that a company called Rochester Optical will be working with Google Glass, producing custom prescription lenses. These will also be available in early 2014. 

This means that people will not have to change from their prescription or reading glasses to Google glass to use the wearable computing devices. They will,however,still have to make good choices as to when to wear them. The Google glass device is a wearable computer that communicates with the internet using voice commands much that of the Bluetooth technology. While there has been research to develop the device for use in prescription lenses and contact lenses until now was not possible. 

The problem now is that these devices in the United States fall under the same statutes as video screens and texting while driving. There are also privacy policies in place in many businesses that ban these types of devices. Gambling Casinos and movie Theaters along with concert halls ban them also. One big problem will be catching the person using the spectacles in these areas. The old Google glass device did not look like prescription glasses and where easily identified. The new devices may or may not be able to be detected. There will much debate and rewriting of existing statutes before the dust settles. The socially etiquette thing to do would be not to wear them in public or when driving.


  1. Looking good! I think I might take up their offer for a pair of prescription sunnies for my hubby :) Also I love that necklace!
    Fastrack sunglasses | Eyeglasses Frames

  2. They tell you not to place a cell phone to your head because of the microwave radiation. But it's fine to wear this for extended periods of time? These glasses emit microwave radiation right into your brain - and this picture is of glasses on a baby! Low intensity bluetooth microwave radiation is not OK to place next to your brain.
