Sunday 12 January 2014

Linda Rodin Leads Style Herself in Fashion Spectacles

Linda Rodin Leads Style Herself in Fashion Spectacles

Linda Rodin looks quite stylish in her vintage glasses. These round frame glasses with oversized lenses and thick frames suited her quite well and gave her a curiously youthful and modern look. Her yellow and black shoes looked very luxurious and chic. Her clothes gave the impression of a very tasteful, stylish and youthful person.

Linda Rodin is inspirational in being a self created fashion designer and has brought out a number of very innovative and high quality products. Her energy and outlook can be learned from. The glasses frames for women, which she was wearing, suited her. Her fashion eyewear was quite light in build and easy to wear. Her aesthetic sense and taste comes out in her clothes and accessories. Her dark top and jeans complemented her tinted glasses and blond hair which was combed back and plaited.

She reminisced about her career and how she gradually began to style and products. She also outlined some of her design ideas and the products that she was working on. Besides this, it is inspirational to see how she has managed to age gracefully and maintain herself. Her ideas and example are very inspirational and encouraging to others.

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