Thursday 2 January 2014

Reading Glasses Saved the Girl’s Precious Life

Reading Glasses Saved the Girl’s Precious Life

A young teenager had a miraculous escape from certain death, thanks to her reading glasses, which saved her from passing bullets. 16-year old Alonza Bryant was fast asleep on her living room count when a hail of bullets that came in from the window ambushed her; one of these bullets hit her in the face. The eyeglasses frames she was wearing saved her life. The bullet hit the bridge of her prescription glasses and shattered them. She was only slightly injured as a result. The family claimed to have no gang affiliations and said that they were shocked by the incident, and could not understand why their house was the target of the shooting.

The Seattle residents thanked God for saving their daughter’s life and informed police and the local television news stations that they were honest and upright citizens with no criminal record to speak of. For the young teenager however, it was her pair of prescription spectacles, which saved her from a certain death. This is certainly a rare case where eyewear has gone beyond its usual purpose of clearing vision, to indirectly saving a human life. It is assumed that they were an exceptionally sturdy pair. 

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