Monday 10 February 2014

Bill Gates Makes up for Rare Appearance on Jimmy Falon Show

Bill Gates Makes up for Rare Appearance on Jimmy Falon Show

Bill Gates recently made a rare appearance on the Jimmy Falon show. He aimed to dispel three myths about charitable giving. These myths are - poverty is an endless cycle, foreign aid is a waste and saving lives leads to overpopulation. He appeared to have a very optimistic view of the world and made a prediction on his website, claiming that by 2035 there would be almost no poor countries left in the world.

Bill Gates adopted a Brady Bunch type approach in enticing people to visit his site. He appeared in a video which has gone viral. He appears wearing a series of wigs and using props to catch the viewer’s attention. His funny looks added a touch of levity to his message.

He wore black glasses for his appearance on the Jimmy Falon talk show. They paired up to spread the word about the new essay by Bill Gates. Gates wore reading glasses which gave him a serious and mature look. However, his glasses for men only added to the strangeness of his appearance wearing wigs and costumes on his video. He also used audio-tuning for his voice. He put in a lot of effort to ensure that his message is as attractive and popular as possible.

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