Tuesday 25 June 2013

Lavender Secrets--All about Beauty & Health

There are some factors that could affect your beauty and health. These factors could include either your outfits or your dieting habits. Nevertheless, there is a huge influence of organic plants on your health as well as beauty. Organic plants such as lavender plants and aloe Vera plants could help you in increasing the beauty. These plants also perform well in maintaining a healthy body. The lavender benefits are countless and few of these benefits are listed below. 

Steam-distillation process is used for making lavender oil. This oil plays a crucial role in many areas such as preparing gels, making body lotions, natural soaps, aromatherapy oils etc. This oil is effective in many nervous system related problems such as disquiet, tension, restlessness, headaches, and migraines. Injured bone joints, stressed muscles, and sore related problems get treated well using lavender oil. Insomnia victims get calm sleep after massaging with lavender oil. The oil is helpful in many urinary disorders.
(Source: amazingplants)

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