Friday 28 June 2013

The public school girl who fell for Julian Assange- then went on the run with the world’s most wanted man

They are the kind of quietly decent, middle-class people universally recognised as the backbone of England. 

Now retired, Ian Harrison used to be an executive with clothes retailer Burtons, while his wife Jennifer has devoted her life to developing methods of helping children with learning difficulties to read.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Tips on How to Choose Sunglasses Correctly

Tips on How to Choose Sunglasses Correctly
Selecting the best form of sunglasses that could add little elegance on your face is somehow tricky. Many people continuously ask a question, how to choose sunglasses? Well, the answers are hidden into the following tips. 

1.Study well- You are suggested to carry out little study on the sunglasses that includes the generations of sunglasses. You could start your search from the books but your search would become easier if you collect information from the internet. You should also study each part of sunglasses; for example, if you are studying sunglasses lenses then you should collect the information on lenses, use of sunglasses lenses and intension of using big or small lenses etc. 

2.Color selection- You should also delve deeply on a color selection. Which color suits your face the most? Which glasses frame color you should avoid? These questions should get appropriate answers during your selection process. 

3.Robustness- Consider the thickness of frames while choosing sunglasses. Check out whether sunglasses are enduring or they are just based on seasonality. 

These tips would help you in selecting the best pairs of sunglasses. You could also copy your favorite celebrity. All in all, choosing sunglasses correctly is not that difficult now.(Source: GlassesTribe) is supported by OzealGlasses.

Lavender Secrets--All about Beauty & Health

There are some factors that could affect your beauty and health. These factors could include either your outfits or your dieting habits. Nevertheless, there is a huge influence of organic plants on your health as well as beauty. Organic plants such as lavender plants and aloe Vera plants could help you in increasing the beauty. These plants also perform well in maintaining a healthy body. The lavender benefits are countless and few of these benefits are listed below. 

Steam-distillation process is used for making lavender oil. This oil plays a crucial role in many areas such as preparing gels, making body lotions, natural soaps, aromatherapy oils etc. This oil is effective in many nervous system related problems such as disquiet, tension, restlessness, headaches, and migraines. Injured bone joints, stressed muscles, and sore related problems get treated well using lavender oil. Insomnia victims get calm sleep after massaging with lavender oil. The oil is helpful in many urinary disorders.
(Source: amazingplants) is supported by OzealGlasses.

Benefits of Apricots

Apricot Nutrition
Eyes are considered as one such body parts that directly connect with the soul. It has become little difficult to maintain good health into this world. Likewise, human eye needs extra protection because there are several hidden eye diseases that could get caused from the modern technologies that include direct exposure to harmful UV rays. So, it has become necessary to consume apricot daily because of its nutrient-rich nature. Apricots contain huge amounts of beta-carotene which is good for the health as well as eyes. Most of the physicians suggest apricot nutrition to their patients. 

Additionally, it is necessary to note that apricot benefits are not limited to its nutrient-rich nature but it also contains good vision promoting vitamin A. The excess amounts of vitamin A makes apricot one among the foods good for eyes. Vitamin A is considered as the powerful antioxidants that slakes free radical damage. In case of free radical damages there are chances of injuries to the eye lenses. However, apricot helps in maintaining the eye health.
(Source:Eatandbeauty) is supported by OzealGlasses.

Monday 24 June 2013

Snack on Avocado Recipes, Start to Lose Weight

avocado recipes
The benefits of avocado should not be neglected, especially when you are struggling to lose weight. Avocados are one among the super healthy foods. It is difficult to find the food that contains minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and dietary fiber. However, the avocados actually contain all these supplementary fats that help in reducing the excessive weight. If you are struggling hard to lose weight that continuously discourages you all the time then probably a daily consumption of avocado would help you in getting what you desire. 

Having tasty food items like potato chips, snack cakes, or candy would tend to increase your weight. Instead you could fix your diet schedule using several avocado recipes. You could also use your salads with the crushed and veteran avocado flesh. You could prevent using sour creams on baked potatoes by serving guacamole or pulverized avocado. Avocados are fantastic because they contain lower amounts of carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Anyone could easily lose the unnecessary weight and maintain their body fit simply by including the avocados into a daily diet.(Source:Eatandbeauty) is supported by OzealGlasses.

Monday 17 June 2013

Drinking Coffee as an Ultimate Morning Ritual, STOP OR NOT?

Every morning, millions of people perform an essential daily ritual - having their first cup of tea or coffee. It concentrates the mind and acts as a pick-me-up. 

Or does it? The latest research suggests that familiar buzz doesn't so much as give us a lift, but fights the caffeine withdrawal symptoms - fatigue, mental fogginess and a dull headache - that have kicked in since our last cup.

Indeed, experts suggest that this morning ritual is actually a sign of mass drug dependency.

'People who consume caffeine regularly will become dependent on it - if you take caffeine away from them, they will function below par,' says Peter Rogers, professor of biological psychology at Bristol University and a leading expert on caffeine. 

'They just don't function normally without the drug on board. If it's your first tea or coffee of the day, it gets you back to normal, but beyond that you don't get much more of a kick.'

Professor Rogers has studied coffee and its effects for more than 20 years and, as a result, he and other members of his team have given up caffeine.

'On balance, caffeine is not particularly helpful. It triggers withdrawal and increases your blood pressure, which is not a good thing,' he says.

'I sometimes think one of the biggest effects of my research work has been on my department. Four or five colleagues have given up caffeine, and we're all on decaf.'


The idea that caffeine doesn't perk up your brain might sound absurd, but that's what Professor Roger's research shows. 

In one key study, around 300 volunteers - half had a moderate to high caffeine intake, the others had a low intake - were asked to stop drinking coffee for 16 hours before undergoing tests. 

The volunteers were randomly split into two groups and given a placebo or coffee. The results, in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, were intriguing. 

Though the regular coffee drinkers did have an increase in alertness following the coffee, this only made them as alert as non-coffee drinkers who had the placebo. 

In other words, drinking coffee doesn't make us any more alert than non-coffee drinkers.


Caffeine stops a brain chemical known as adenosine having an effect. 

Normally, adenosine helps slow down reactions in the body. As caffeine effectively stops adenosine latching onto cells, it means that when we drink it our body is constantly on the accelerator, not the brake.

Then within a few hours of stopping drinking coffee, the withdrawal effects start to kick in. In some cases, they can even cause flu-like symptoms. 

Our body experiences a flood of adenosine, leading to fatigue. Many will also experience a dull headache. 

This is because caffeine narrows blood vessels in the brain, says Professor Rogers, so when we stop drinking it, there is an increase in blood flow, which triggers a headache.

'On the rare occasions I have drunk coffee for a few days, when I stop I start to feel under the weather and think I am coming down with a cold,' says Professor Rogers. 

'But then I remember - this is what caffeine withdrawal feels like.'


Another recent study by Professor Rogers involving 300 volunteers found coffee doesn't increase alertness, concentration or reaction time, but it will keep you awake. 

'I have coffee when I'm driving across Europe, as I know it will keep me awake. But it wouldn't be helpful if I was trying to write a scientific paper late at night as it doesn't help focus or thinking.'


Aside from triggering a physical dependency, what other effects does caffeine have on our health?

One week we read a report showing caffeine is good for us; the next that it is bad. The experts are fiercely divided. 

'It is a well-established and reliable fact that caffeine increases blood pressure,' says caffeine researcher Jack James, professor of psychology at Reykjavik University. 

'The increase is modest, but likely to be clinically significant over the course of a lifetime of consuming caffeine. 

'I'm confident that in time caffeine consumption will be regarded as a risk to cardiovascular health.' 

One paper by Professor James, who is also editor of the Journal of Caffeine Research, suggests regular caffeine may account for 14  per cent of premature deaths due to coronary heart disease and 20 per cent of premature deaths due to stroke. 

And in a study published just a few weeks ago, Australian researchers suggested a chemical in coffee called chlorogenic acid may increase the risk of diabetes and even lead to the body storing excess fat. 

The study, published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, showed that when mice were given high amounts of this compound, the equivalent of drinking five or six cups a day, their bodies struggled to control blood sugar and they developed insulin resistance. They were also less likely to lose weight.

However, other research has shown that regular coffee and tea intake reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease, as well as neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's.

Indeed, one large study undertaken by Harvard researchers, and published last year in the journal Circulation, suggested that moderate coffee intake (four cups a day) reduced the risk of heart failure.

The team looked at research from five studies, involving more than 140,000 people.

'There is a growing body of research suggesting coffee is beneficial and this paper added to this,' says Dr Elizabeth Mostofsky, a post-doctoral research fellow and lead researcher of the paper.

Coffee consumption has also been linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer. 

However, as with everything, moderation is best. Drinking more than ten cups a day 'may be harmful', says Dr Mostofsky.

She suggests that patients who are at risk of stroke and not regular coffee drinkers may want to consider avoiding it. Some of her earlier research suggests the peak in blood pressure immediately after having coffee may briefly increase stroke risk (the effect was not seen for tea). 

But, overall, Dr Mostofsky believes the effects are positive. 'It's nice to know there may be health benefits from the number one drug consumed,' she says.


So what are we to make of this wealth of apparently conflicting evidence? 

Professor Rogers suggests that, in fact, the benefits of coffee and tea lie in the antioxidants that they contain - compounds that work to lower inflammation in the body. 

Inflammation has been linked to a host of diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular disease and cancer, and so antioxidants consumed in tea and coffee may reduce the risk of these diseases. 

This is why he still drinks decaffeinated tea and coffee (five cups of tea and one cup of coffee a day). 

But he says the effect would not be seen with caffeine-filled energy drinks.

'Compounds in tea and coffee may be producing beneficial effects, but in other drinks, such as energy drinks, there aren't these naturally occurring compounds to balance out the effect of caffeine.' 

And he believes that the rise in caffeine products will only fuel our dependency.

'I suspect caffeine intake will increase, and on balance that's not a good thing,' he adds.


The blog is supported by Ozeal Glasses.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Top 5 Stomach Flattening Foods


Not only are almonds packed full of skin-boosting vitamin E and protein, but their high fiber content stops you feeling hungry. In 2007, researchers at Purdue University also reported that – despite the fact they are relatively high in calories – almonds themselves do not contribute to belly fat. Swap out your usual mid-morning snack for a handful and see if it makes a difference.

Leafy Greens

The quickest way to flatten a stubborn stomach? Include a portion of leafy green vegetables at every meal. Kale, spinach and romaine lettuce are all extremely low in calories, full of fibre and offer several vital vitamins and minerals that help to ease water retention without causing the bloating and discomfort that some other vegetables might do.


Oats are filling, which makes it hard to believe that they can help you lose weight. But eating a portion in the morning for breakfast as part of a low-calorie diet is a great way to provide your body with slow-release, natural energy throughout the day, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer and can even lower your cholesterol.

Olive Oil

Mad but true – fat CAN help you to lose weight. Poly unsaturated fats like those found in olive oil can stave off hunger pains, while olive oil itself contains a naturally-occurring chemical called oleic acid, which aids the breakdown of excess fats in the body.


Each tiny bean is packed with nutrients, including protein and fibre, while remaining low in calories and full of slow-release energy. This means you’ll feel fuller, while the high protein content will help firm up your muscles and keep you toned. Swap out burgers for burritos, and beef chilli for bean chilli.

The blog is supported by Ozeal Glasses.

Is size 16 'normal' - or a serious danger?

What do you see when you look at these photographs: four gorgeous, happy, normal women, or four very overweight women whose excess pounds are dangerously unhealthy?

They are all the UK’s average shape – now a curvy size 16 – and represent the new normal.

But we live in an age where ‘average’ means overweight. Some 45 percent of British women are a dress size 16 or more, and Mrs Average’s waist has grown 7in since 1951, when her vital statistics were a slimline 37-27-39 and she was a stone lighter.

One of the problems, doctors say, is that if people feel their size is normal, it’s not a cause for concern.

‘People often don’t think of themselves as heavy because they are the same size as everyone around them – but the health risks are the same, and very serious,’ says Dr Peter Mace, Bupa Health Clinic’s assistant medical director.

‘Being overweight can dramatically increase someone’s likelihood of developing cancers, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 

The latter can mean an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, kidney failure, blindness and even limb amputation. If the fat sits around their middle – visceral fat – it’s packed in around the major organs and further increases the risk.’

So are the risks real? And just how healthy is Mrs Average?

To find out, we sent four size 16 women – each representing a different decade in age – for a battery of medical tests and had their results assessed by experts. They all look and feel healthy – but our investigation shows they could be storing up problems for the future .  .  .

BMI (body mass index) A measurement derived from height and weight. Between 18.5 and 24.9 is normal, 25 to 30 is overweight, over 30 is obese.

Body fat The proportion of fat in the body. In women under 40, the healthy range is 21-32%; over 40 it is 23-35%.

Waist-to-height ratio The proportion of fat around the stomach is assessed by the ratio of waist to height. The ratio should be under 50.

Lung age This test assesses air flow through the lungs. Overweight people may have slightly smaller lungs, increasing their ‘lung age’.

Diabetes risk A blood test assesses levels of glucose and uric acid – higher readings can mean raised diabetes risk. Score is calculated through risk factors and lifestyle.

Cholesterol Measured by blood test. Reading should be below 5.

Risk of developing coronary heart disease A score derived from six reliable predictors – age, gender, total and HDL (good) cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure and smoking – then compared to the risks measured in a average group of people of the same age.

Blood pressure Normal range is between 90/60 and 140/90. This shows systolic pressure, when the heart pumps blood, ‘over’ diastolic pressure, when the heart rests between beats.

Liver function A blood analysis indicates whether the liver is functioning normally.‘I feel fine so it’s odd to discover problems.


The blog is supported by Ozeal Glasses.

Friday 14 June 2013

Fashion tips for short men: Hot style tips on clothes that make short guys look taller

Fashion tips for short men, is a no-nonsense guide on how guys can tweak their clothing style to look taller and sleeker. Are you a short guy? Have you been looking for style tips? If you have, grab your notepads and take tips on how you can effortlessly and practically wear clothes that will make you look longer. Men, boys and males of all ages, here's your chance to look sleeker and give your taller counterparts a run for their money without spending a bomb.

Note: Like most other things in the world of fashion and style, we are not here to argue about whether shorter men should wear clothes than make them look taller. Morality is not the point of this discussion nor are we here to discuss whether taller men look more attractive than shorter men or vice versa. Princesswithapen believes that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Wear vertical striped shirts and t-shirts

If "Which shirt should I wear to look longer?" is a question that bothers you daily, here's a simple and easy to follow tip that will put your worries to rest. Go for shirts and t-shirts that have vertical stripes. While there is no science attached to this advice, from a visual perspective, horizontal stripes will enhance your shorter frame while vertical stripes won't.

Shorter men should avoid bright colors

Before you have a head spin about throwing out half of your closet, calm down and read on. By bright colors, we are pointing towards any shirts, t-shirts or pants that you may have that are bright to the extent that they hurt the eyes. Parrot green, bright yellow, bright red and other such colors are best avoided if you want to look longer because they will instantly stand out and enhance your body frame, which is exactly not what we are looking for.

Buy a belt which does not have a very large buckle

One of the keys to hiding a shorter frame is to blend the upper and the lower body into a singular and a visually taller looking body. Large buckles on the other hand, are an instant giveaway of a less than average height because they for a clear demarcation between the upper and the lower body. Remember this style tip and buy a belt that has a sleeker and a more subtle yet fashionable buckle.

Super skinny jeans and extra boot cut pants should be avoided

Skinny jeans are in, there's no doubt about that. And chances are, that you already have a pair of skinny or slim fit jeans in your closet. If you don't, check out the awesome range of jeans Levi's has to offer. Coming back to style tips for shorter men, skinny jeans are acceptable. Just make sure that you stay away from those super skinny jeans. Why? Simply because when the jeans cling to your legs, they clearly define and enhance your shorter than average legs. If you really want to play safe, try on a pair of Levi's 501s and you may find yourself the perfect pair of jeans.

Talking about boot cut pants, they are a fashion trend from decades back that is still kicking butt. While boot cut in moderation is okay, an extra boot cut pant clearly highlights shorter legs. There is a fine line between the type of boot cut pants that will look good and the style that will go horrendously wrong and may result in a fashion faux pas.

Don't wear pants too low or too high

Do you really think that wearing your pants below your bum is going to make you look like a tough guy? Take it from a woman - it isn't. Wearing pants at extreme places on the body is a common fashion mistake that men of all heights make. While men with an average height may experiment with fashion by wearing their pants a little lower or higher than usual, it is best avoided if you are below average height. Mind you, this does not cross out low rise pants from your wardrobe. Just make sure that you wear your pants just above, or on your hip for the optimum visual blend.

Don't try to look taller by wearing longer pants which smother your shoes

Are you of the belief that wearing longer pants will make you look longer? Well that's a fashion myth that needs to be debunked. Let the hemline of your pants sit at an appropriate level and don't let them smother your shoes.

Avoid pants with more than one pleat

Pants with multiple pleats are out, since years. And if you still have a few in your closet, it's time you shopped for new pants. If you must have pleats, a single pleat is fine. Flat front pants will look great and go a long way in giving your body a sleek look – just what we are looking for.

Buy shoes that have a heel or a thicker insole

It is really not rocket science to know that shoes with a heel make you look longer. It is understandable if you are wary of buying shoes with heels because according to you that's not manly. Alternatively, you can buy shoes that have a thicker insole, or simply buy an extra insole for yourself. Even couple of centimeters aka half an inch or an inch can make a world of a difference in making you look longer.

Blazer length is critical for short men

While the length of a blazer is an important element in the style quotient of any man regardless of how long he is, it is an oh-so-critical issue for shorter men. Even a blazer a tad too long or too short can break the uniformity of your attire. The ideal blazer should be just long enough to cover your butt.

Talking about blazers, let's talk about their informal counterparts, jackets. If you are a fan of wearing casual jackets you should remember that jackets that are a tad shorter than normal may make you look longer. This tip works best for men who have a skinny body and are shorter than average. If you have a bulky frame, you may want to skip this tip or use your own discretion.

Full length overcoat is not a short guy's best friend

We cannot deny the utility of full length overcoats in those winter months when you are trying to avoid freezing or getting snow on your formals. But it is a generally accepted notion that full length overcoats make you look bulky and enhances your shorter frame.

Remember the word Monochrome while shopping and dressing

The whole aim of having a monochrome color palette for your clothes is to simplify and de-clutter the visual appeal and give a man a continuous and slender look. This tip will probably feature at the top of any article, post or fashion commentator's view on style for shorter men, but Princesswithapen has deliberately kept it for last. While this may be possible in the world of fashion ramps and magazine covers, it is understandable that it may not be possible or practical in real life to have a functional wardrobe that aligns with the notion of monochrome dressing. To keep it short, no pun intended, all you need to remember is to avoid incorporating too many colors or extremely contrasting colors at once into your attire.

Sleek is the secret code for shorter men

If you find yourself struggling to meet the physical heights of men around you, remember the mantra that from a fashion, stylish and visual perspective, sleek means longer. Whenever you go out shopping or when you organize your wardrobe, pick clothes that are not too loose and give your body a uniform look. A sleek clothing style will not only make you look longer but will bring back the oomph in your step. is supported by OzealGlasses.

Eat Healthy Food to Live Healthy Life

There is a saying we are what we eat. It is more or less correct. If a person consumes healthy food he leads a healthy life and if he consumes junk food full of fats and sugars, his body will begin showing the result of an unhealthy diet. Food is a necessity for us which provides energy to the body helping in sustaining the body functions. Since the development of mankind human beings have been working hard just to earn food. But in the modern times our needs have changed a lot. Modern men are earning for food and also to have a good lifestyle but due to his busy schedule he is unable to eat properly. Most of the masses get up in the morning grab one or two bites and leave for their offices or some are habitual to eat while running to their offices. This is not good for the body. 

Human body is designed in such way that everything has to be done in proper order to maintain the essential balance in the functions of the body. People who run while eating do not understand that their entire body functions are concentrated in providing energy while running and not consuming it. The food eaten at this time is waste since it is not digested properly the way it should be. Given below are some simple tips which can improve your health:

Eat homemade food: while junk food tastes good but it is not good for your health. Let the chef inside you do wonders and experiment with some yummy healthy food snacks cuisines from all around the world. Cook food using fresh ingredients for that extra taste. It will not only save your money but will also contribute in health as well. Make yourself a brown bread vegetable cream sandwich which is better than munching on the high fat, high sugar donut.
Satisfy that sweet tooth: if you love to eat sweets or high sugary food then instead of pastries try chocolate dipped fresh fruits. It is a good way of consuming nutrients and satisfying your sweet tooth as well. This is free from unwanted calories gained from fat and sugar. Moreover these healthy snack foods are nutritious in nature.
Eat in calm environment: instead of running and eating, take some time out for food. This is the food for which you have been working your entire month. Sit at one place and enjoy it. Eating properly will help in proper digestion of food thus providing your body with essential nutrition it requires for well being.

For healthy life a person has to contribute as well. It is you who have to take some time out towards contributing to your well being. Eat properly, eat fresh and live well.

Source: is supported by OzealGlasses.

4 Health Benefits of Watermelons

Think back to when you were a child and when during the summer months, the pinnacle of cookouts and family gatherings was always the cold juicy watermelon that was for desert. When you were young, eating watermelon was about taste. Now that you're older, it's more than just taste that should inspire you to eat lots of watermelon each year when the season arises. It's because watermelons have tremendous health benefits that anyone who lives a healthy lifestyle should be determined to take advantage of every year. Let's take a closer look at some of these health benefits this fruit has to offer.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #1 Lycopene

Lycopene is an antioxidant found in most red colored fruits, with the exception of a few things such as strawberries. Scientific studies have shown that Lycopene reduces the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease in people. People who eat a diet high in lycopene are much less likely to suffer a heart attack then men who don't. 

Health Benefit of Watermelons #2 Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is an important attribute to have in a healthy diet because it promotes chemicals in the brain that help people to cope with anxiety and panic. These are two psychological disorders that are on the rise in America today. 

Health Benefit of Watermelons #3 Vitamin C

If you thought oranges were the only fruit that could provide you with Vitamin C, think again. Vitamin C is important to not only being healthy, but remaining attractive all your life. Vitamin C boosts the immune system so that you get sick less often and it also slows down aging and medical conditions such as cataract.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #4 Vitamin A

Vitamin A works much like Vitamin C, in that it helps boost immunity, but it also help your body fight off infection. It also prevents blindness. 

As you can see, eating watermelon is almost tantamount to taking a multivitamin every morning, but with a much better taste. Watermelons are seasonal, which means that they are not available all year long. It means that when they are in season you should make sure and take advantage. 

When you go to the store to purchase one you want to try and find one that is ripe and ready to eat. The best way to do this is to knock on the outside of the rind. If you hear a hollow sound then melon is ready to eat, but if you hear solid thud put it back. The fruit is over ripe and you won't be getting very good flavor from it. Buy you water melon and eat it within the first few days of getting it home. Everything about it is healthy, and in addition, it won't leave you feeling over stuffed if you eat too much. 

So in a few weeks, the weather gets warmer and summer is approaching. Don't forget about watermelons. Eat up and get the extra boost they will add to your healthy lifestyle.

Monday 10 June 2013

Melissa McCarthy On 'The Heat' Poster: Actress's Face, Neck Appear To Have Been Altered

Something is awry on the new U.K. poster for the upcoming buddy-cop comedy starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy, the former is very cool with aviator glasses, the latter of whom has clearly been -- how shall we put this? -- adjusted.

It's another case of the Mysterious Photoshop Alterations, with McCarthy's face and neck appearing to have been significantly modified. Judge for yourself:

Now let's compare that to some everyday photos of McCarthy: 

See what we mean?

And, as BuzzFeed properly points out, this isn't the first Photoshop "accident" a McCarthy movie poster has seen:

Melissa, you're beautiful as you are. Don't let them try to change you!


How to Get Rid of Scars?

There might be the case when you ask your friends on how to get rid of scars. Let's know what this article exactly talks about and what the scars are? When there is an injury, our skin automatically produces more cells in order to re-grow the injured skin. This tissue is known as scars. These scars are easily visible because the cells that grow in making up the scars are of lesser quality than the original cells. They are less resistant to UV radiation and are not able to grow any hair since they have no follicles.

When we look for the questions likes ‘how can I get rid of my scars' or ‘how can I remove scars', we should be well familiar with the fact that scars can never be completely healed. There are a number of medical and cosmetic methods to cover up scars, but none of them can claim to remove them completely. 

There are many natural and herbal treatments to remove scars. These herbal methods are safe, simple and cost effective. These methods are generally simple home treatments, and they have no harmful effects. You can try these methods before going in for complicated surgical procedures.

Herbal remedies to remove scars

There are several natural and herbal remedies to prevent and treat scars by opening the kitchen cabinet. These herbal methods are inexpensive and safe to use. 

- Cucumber - The cucumber is very helpful in the removal of scar tissues. Prepare a paste of cucumber and apply directly onto the scars. This will help the scars to smoothen out after a few applications left overnight. 

- Indian Gooseberry - The Indian gooseberry (amalaki) is very beneficial in the prevention of scars after healing. Gooseberry is a good source of vitamin C, which is very essential for cementing the open wounds.

- Garlic - Cut a clove of garlic into half and rub it on the acne scars. This helps to treat the acne without leaving a scar behind later on.

- Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera is also an effective herbal remedy for the treatment of residual scars. Its juice acts as natural bleach. When applied directly onto the scars it helps the scar to slowly reduce and vanish.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.


This blog is supported by Ozeal Glasses.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Iain Banks dies aged 59

Iain Banks, the award-winning writer, has died aged 59, just two months after announcing he had terminal cancer, his family are reported to have said.

The Scottish author of The Wasp Factory, The Crow Road and Complicity, had revealed in April he was suffering from terminal gall bladder cancer and was unlikely to live for more than a year.

In a statement on the BBC News website, his publisher said he was "an irreplaceable part of the literary world".

Little, Brown Book Group said the author was "one of the country's best-loved novelists" for both his mainstream and science fiction books.

"Iain Banks' ability to combine the most fertile of imaginations with his own highly distinctive brand of gothic humour made him unique," the publisher was reported saying.

After announcing his illness in April, Banks asked his publishers to bring forward the release date of his latest novel, The Quarry, so he could see it on the shelves.

"Just three weeks ago he was presented with finished copies and enjoyed celebration parties with old friends and fans across the publishing world," the statement continued.

The Wasp Factory, Banks' first novel, was published in 1984 and was ranked as one of the best 100 books of the 20th Century in a 1997 poll conducted by book chain Waterstones and Channel 4.

The writer also wrote sci-fi titles under the name Iain M Banks.

Banks announced his illness on his website on 3 April, writing "I am officially Very Poorly" . With trademark black humour, he said he had asked his partner Adele "if she will do me the honour of becoming my widow".

He said that his latest novel, The Quarry, would be his last. A website set up for friends, family and fans to leave messages for him was inundated with tributes to the writer.

Speaking to BBC News on Sunday, friend and fellow author Ken MacLeod, said: "He was still in good spirits and concentrating on his plans and projects and expecting to have another few months. But his situation took a turn for the worse.

"I got the email from his wife Adele not much more than an hour ago. I'm still in a state of some disbelief.

"What Iain brought to his writing was himself. He brought a wonder."

Author and friend Neil Gaiman tweeted: "Iain Banks is dead. I'm crying in an empty house. A good man and a friend for almost 30 years."(Source: is supported by OzealGlasses.

Saturday 8 June 2013

Open Kitchen Leaves Space to Entertain & Enjoy

Interior designing looks at the walls, doors, windows, furniture, and everything that your room covers. What about the kitchen? Have you ever thought that your kitchen also needs decoration? Well, here you are suggested with few tricks that you could adopt to increase the elegance inside your kitchen. 

The interior designs trends allow you to make use of open kitchens that contain fewer crockery, well designed furniture and attractive wallpapers. Also, many interior design ideas are based on the sizing of your kitchen. The concept, open kitchen is very effective when you have small size kitchen. However, you could still increase the inside space of your small kitchen simply by making minor changes to your open kitchen. 

Wall embroidery is necessary in case of open kitchen: 

In interior design trends 2013 year believes more on using embroidered nature of the walls. If your kitchen is small in size then you could create attractive designs on such portion of wall where less crockery or utensils are placed. In short, you need to embroider your wall which is free from the crockery and other kitchen related stuffs. However, wall embroidery could increase the gaze of your open kitchen by several means. It would also leave space that you could utilize for having fun and joy.(Source: Housedecotips and OzealGlasses)

Friday 7 June 2013

Fantasy Kids Room Ideas

Decorating your child’s room could be a tricky task because it needs creative mind as well as aesthetic nature to produce well-designed rooms. There are lot many kids room ideas available that specially speaks about your kid’s room and its appearance. If you are confused because all room decorating ideas that you read come with difficult treatments, then there is no need to worry because here you could find some simple yet adaptable tips. 

Make it a themed room: 

It is now possible to offer special effects of fantasy world to your kid’s room. You could simply adopt themed room ideas. In this method, you could use much of your brain on sticking inspiring wallpapers, cartoon pictures, painting funny pictures and much more. 

Make use of decorative painting: 

Always remember that your kid’s mind get more attracted towards colors. So, if you use decorative colors or paints instead of those usual non-funny paints then it could create a dazzling effect to your kid’s room. 

Appealing lights speak more: 

Keep in mind that lighting plays the major role in increasing the elegant nature of all kinds of room. So, you could install special effects through light arrangements. You are suggested to install separate lights for each period of the day. This means you could use deemed lights for the morning, decent and bright lights for the afternoon, and dark lights for the evening.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Surprising Skin Care Food--Raspberry Fruit

Raspberry is one nutritional food that contains ample numbers of health related benefits. However, you could include this food into your daily breakfast after looking at its several kinds of uses. Raspberry fruit consists of huge amounts of anthocyanin tinctures which are considered as natural antioxidants. There is vast availability of vitamin-C into this fruit that ensures the appreciable amounts of manganese and fiber. The benefits of raspberry are given below. 

1) Many types of dangerous diseases such as heart diseases, cancer, and macular degeneration of the eyes could get cured after daily consumption of raspberries. 

2) Raspberry seed oil is helpful in preventing damages that could get occurred because of ultraviolet light. 

3) Raspberries are popular for keeping the skin, teeth, hair, bones, and nails strong. 

4) Many allergic reactions could get cured from raspberries. 

5) Raspberry seed oil is helpful in maintaining the skin strong and glowing since it provides superfluous protection against harmful UV rays. 

6) The skin becomes shiner and glowing after daily consuming this fruit since the amount of skin improving factors are higher in raspberry fruit.(Source: Eatandbeauty)

Normalmyth is supported by ozealglasses.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Weight Loss Food: Brown Rice

People carry out multiple forms of exercises and work-outs just to lose few kilos from their body. However, staying fit and healthy has become crucial in this world. Have your thought that a perfect diet could help you in decreasing much of your excessive weight? It’s the truth that brown rice helps you in removing excessive fats from your body. The list of weight loss food places brown rice at the top just because of its unbelievable significances. Brown rice is one type of rice that comes without husk or shell. It is also called as unpolished rice. 

The brown rice nutrition facts underline the benefits of brown rice. Brown rice consists of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that help in removing the excess amounts of fats from your body. 

Is brown rice good for you? 

Well, the answer is yes. Brown rice is a zero cholesterol nutritional food. So, it always offers the benefits that could keep you healthy and strong. There are numerous benefits of brown rice such as nutritional benefits and health benefits. Brown rice carries low energy and hence it is a high density food. You could receive a slim and trim body after including brown rice to your daily diet.(Source: OzealGlasses and Eatandbeauty)